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Company Locations


                   Emhart Glass Sweden AB

                   The Sundsvall plant produces drop molding equipment and high-end feed products for 

                   the glass container industry.

                   It has a product engineering department responsible for our high-end feeder and feeder                     mechanical engineering.


                   SundsvallEmhart Glass Sweden ABUniversitetsallén 1P.O. 

                   Box 710SE-85121 SundsvallSweden

                   Telephone: +46 60 199 100

                   Fax: +46 60 199 261

About Sanjin
Company Introduction
Enterprise Culture
Enterprise History
Production Capacities
Anti Corruption Regulations
Company Locations
Products & Services
Container Forming
Gypsum Board Equipment
Control System
Human Resources
Welfares and Benefits
Media Center
Company Video
霍山县| 浦北县| 乌兰浩特市| 金寨县| 乐至县| 六安市| 县级市| 玉田县| 金山区| 永城市| 二连浩特市| 永福县| 新郑市| 万安县| 广德县| 峨眉山市| 长寿区| 东辽县| 景宁| 汕头市| 大庆市| 集安市| 岗巴县| 广丰县| 泸定县| 米易县| 鄄城县| 宁晋县| 江津市| 彩票| 许昌县| 合阳县| 阜阳市| 平舆县| 贺州市| 阿勒泰市| 苍梧县| 苍溪县| 庆城县| 榆社县| 柳林县| http://www.hbqyxw.com http://www.q345e.com http://www.njyxj.com http://www.quaresso.com http://www.5u00.com http://www.shgohi.com